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Celebrities in Switzerland sorted by category
Главное меню > Знаменитости в Швейцарии > По категориям > Category > Писатель

Список знаменитостей, относящихся к категории Писатель.

Agota Kristof (1935-) Hongrie
Agota Kristof est nee en 1935 en Hongrie d'ou elle s'est enfuie en 1956 pour venir habiter en Suisse. Elle commence par travailler dans une usine ou

Jean Anouilh (1910-1987) France
The famous French conservative theater author, born in Bordeau and one time assistant of Louis Jouvet, came to Pully (a poshy suburb of Lausanne) for

Bernard Clavel (1923-) France
This French writer and winner of the 1968 Goncourt prize for Les Fruits de l'Hiver (The fruit of winter) is one of the most prolific authors of his ge

Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) Argentina
The great Argentinian writer lived for decades in Geneva. His family first found refuge during WWI, and young Borges learned French and German at the

Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826) France
Brilliant lawyer at the Court of Cassation and highly skilled gastronome known for his "Physiology of Taste", Brillat Savarin was forced t

Lord Byron (1788-1824) UK
This English poet was the main precursor to the wave of Romanticism in the nineteenth century. Byron loved the Geneva Riviera and set several of his s

Elias Canetti (1905-1994) Bulgaria
The jewish-spanish writer studied in Zurich for 5 years. In 1981 he received the Litterature Nobel Prize.

Albert Cohen (1895-1981) Greece
The greek born, Marseilles-raised jewish writer came to Geneva as a student and then spent most of his life there, working for the UN and writing his

Mathurin Cordier (1479-1564) France
After his studies at Paris University, he began an ecclesiastic career but at the age of thirty-five, with a highly developed taste for literature

Agrippa d'Aubigne (1552-1630) France
Man of letters and man of war, Agrippa d’Aubigne was born in the area surrounding Pons (Saintonge) in 1552. At first, companion of Henry IV, he r

San Antonio (1921-2000) France
L'auteur des San-Antonio a vecu dans le canton de Fribourg des 1974. Frederic Dard est ne a Bourgoin-Jallieu, dans l'Isere, en 1921. Ses parents trava

Theodore de Beze (1519-1605) France
Descended from the Burgundian nobility, Theodore de Beze was born in Vezelay in 1519. His humanist education turned him into a remarkable poet and

Isabelle Eberhardt (1877-1904) Armenia
Daughter of an Armenian, Alexandre Trophimovsky, and of the Jewish wife, of German origin, of a Russian general, Isabelle Eberhardt was born in Gen

Scott Fitzgerlad (1896-1940) USA
"Switzerland is a country where very few things begin, but many things end." One trip abroad Already a famous author by the age of 24,

Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) UK
Writer and historian of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon was born in England on April 27, 1737 and spent his youth on the banks of Lake Geneva

Graham Greene (1904-1991) UK
The British writer and journalist traveled at length for his employer, the Foreign Office, for whom he covered diverse current affairs, particularly d

Giovanni Guareschi (1908-1968) Италия
Создатель образа Дона Камилло, Гуарески избрал местом своего проживания Тичино, кантон, в котором он мог говорить на родном языке и поддерживать тесны

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) USA
Ernest Hemingway, le celebre romancier americain, est ne le 21 Juillet 1899 a Chicago. Il vit une premiere fois quelques temps en Suisse en 1922 l

Herman Hesse (1877-1962) Германия
Немецкий писатель так любил этот "итальянский" кантон, что неоднократно избирал его местом действия своих романов

Christian Jaqc (1947-) France
Christian Jacq, ecrivain egyptologue francais, est ne a Paris en 1947. Des son plus jeune age il tombe amoureux de l'Egypte ancienne et de sa cultur

James Joyce (1882-1941) Ирландия
Всемирно известный ирландский писатель переехал из Парижа в Швейцарию с началом войны и умер в Цюрихе в 1941 г.

Hermann Kesten (1900-1996) Германия
Этот писатель покинул Германию после прихода нацистов в 1933 и никогда больше туда не вернулся. Он нашел дом своей мечты в швейцарском городе Базель,

Sir Leslie Stephen (1832-1904) UK
Writer, mountaineer and father of Virginia Woolf, Sir Leslie Stephen was born into a wealthy, upper class English family. He is known for his many wri

Thomas Mann (1875-1955) Germany
The German author and Nobel Prize winner lived in Switzerland for 8 years. Thomas Mann, born in 1875, came from old Lübeck patrician stock. After

Jacques Martin (1920-) France
The comic artist who created Alix has lived in Switzerland since 1984. Jacques Martin was born in September, 1920, in Strasbourg. He began his tra

Paul Morand (1888-1976) Франция
Этот французский писатель прожил в своем любимом городе Веве 20 лет.

Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) Russia
The Russian writer was born in 1899 to a wealthy family from St Petersburg. By the age of seven, he could speak French and English fluently. His h

Patricia Highsmith (1921-1995) USA
The American queen of the murder mystery lived in Locarno in the canton of Ticino. Born Mary Patricia Plangman in 1921, in Fort Worth, Texas, she was

Hugo pratt (1927-1995) Italy
Hugo Pratt, illustrator, painter of water color and creator of Corto Maltese, lived on the Geneva Riviera for 11 years. Born in Rimini in 1927, he

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Germany
One of the most influential writers of German expression in the 20th century, he came in Switzerland in 1919 and soon received Swiss citizenship. He's

Mary Shelley (1797-1851) Angleterre
L'auteur de Frankenstein a trouve l'inspiration sur les rives du lac Leman. Mary Shelley est nee le 30 aout 1797, d'un pere philosophe et ecrivain, Wi

Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) Польша
Лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе 1905 года жил в Веве с 1914 г. до самой смерти в гостинице "Отель дю Лак".

Georges Simenon (1903-1989) Belgique
Georges Simenon, le pere du celebre commissaire Maigret, est ne le vendredi 13 fevrier 1903 a Liege. Des son plus jeune age Simenon manifeste un

Rodolphe Toepffer (1799-1846) Germany
Son of painter Wolfgang Adam Toepffer (1766-1847), of German origin, who had made of Geneva his second homeland, Rodolph Toepffer was unable to em

Tristan Tzara (1896-1963) Romania
The Dada writer spent years in Zurich, helping to create this artistic movement. Later he joined the french Resistance with his surrealist friends in

William Wordsworth (1770-1850) UK
English poet William Wordsworth was still a student at Cambridge when he developed a passion for the Alps while reading texts by Rousseau. In


36 знаменитости

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