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Download our wallpapers
Home > Tourist Guide > Table of contents > Swiss culture > Wallpapers

For you, we have selected some representative backgrounds of Swiss landscape.

Please select the resolution of your screen to enlarge the picture of your choice then right click and choose the option "Save image as..." from the menu to save the picture to your computer's hard disk.

Valaisan mazots


640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200
The Matterhorn


640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200


640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200
Plane landing in Sion


640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200
Turtmann valley


640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200
Dents du Midi


640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1152 x 864
1280 x 1024
1600 x 1200

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