Incorporated companies in Switzerland

Tax-exempt holding companies


Holding companies which limit their interests and involvement to non-Swiss corporations are eligible for a permanent tax holiday in three Swiss cantons. Overall taxes are about 8% of net profit - full stop!

There are three cantons which offer  such tax breaks: Fribourg, Zug and Glaris. Although the rates of taxation are more or less the same in each canton, there are other factors you must keep in mind when deciding where to incorporate your company. These include location, the availability of suitable real estate, the workforce, the language, etc.


Where should you incorporate your Swiss holding company?

Canton Fribourg Zug Glarus
Location Central. Good train connections to Paris, Frankfurt, Milan, Geneva. Close to Zurich and its international airport. Totally locked in by mountains. Closest city is Zurich, some distance away.
Real Estate Widely available at comparatively cheap prices. More expensive because of high demand. Not too expensive because of low demand.
Quality of life and landscape Excellent, many beautiful landscapes. Excellent - stunning landscape with mountains and crystal-clear lake. Simpler lifestyle but splendid mountainous landscape.
Workforce Often bilingual French-German, English widespread. Reasonable wages Will speak German and often English, more expensive. Cheaper workforce but main language will be Swiss German and German.
Famous companies Cartier, Michelin, Liebherr, Bayer, Ilford, Nina Ricci, Otis, Schlumberger, TetraPak, Tupperware Many No big companies
The bottom line Best choice if you need a real office with employees. Good choice if you need a only domiciled office. Second-rate choice if you have no other reason to go there.

We can create a new holding for you in about a week, for a very reasonable fee. If you need further assistance, for example: Swiss directors, accounting and fiscal advise, real estate, and residential permits, we will be glad to offer you the best professional assistance available.

If you have more questions, you can contact us or go to our    Frequently Asked Questions   where there is a full section devoted to Swiss holding companies.


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